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Supporting the Healthy Smiles
of NunatuKavut Children

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Would you like to participate in a study about your oral health?

Are you between the ages of 10-17?

If yes, then come join us in a storytelling session and share with us:

  • How you feel about the oral (i.e., mouth, teeth, and gums) health of youth in NunatuKavut?
  • What are some of the things in your community that influence the health of your teeth and gums?
  • What might be some ways to improve the oral health of NunatuKavut youth?

Your thoughts will be very valuable to our research.

This research project will allow us to gather information that may help to make dental services better for children and youth in South-Eastern Labarador.This session should take no longer than two hours.

For more information about the research project, or to volunteer for a storytelling session in your area, please contact:

Healthy Smiles Coordinator: Michelle Clarke

(709) 960-0342 |

Get Involved

Contact our: Healthy Smiles Coordinator Michelle Clarke (709) 960-0342

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