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Supporting the Healthy Smiles
of NunatuKavut Children

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Tips and Tools

Our Toolkit, Fact Sheets and Blog Posts are great resources for oral health information. We try to answer many of the questions asked about oral health during our research on the southeast coast of Labrador. You can join the discussion on these topics on our Facebook page!

‘Kungatsiajuk’ Oral Health Toolkit

 Fact Sheets

We offer two versions of the fact sheet:
Small – for low speed internet connections | Large – for high-speed internet connections.

Blog Posts

We invite you to share your comments on our blog posts. All comments will be reviewed and may appear on our Facebook page.

  • Baby teeth- just as important as Adult teeth+
    Baby teeth development and teething Did you know that before your child is even born his or her baby teeth start to develop? This makes pregnancy an extremely important time to promote your developing baby’s oral health. Baby teeth begin […]
  • Fruit and your teeth+
    We have all seen television ads that show a person eating something that is ‘bad’ for their teeth and then shows how a product can ‘fix’ or protect your teeth. Many of these commercials imply that fruits are an example […]
  • White teeth are not necessarily healthy teeth+
    Teeth are not naturally completely white, and are normally light grey or yellow in colour, and this is perfectly healthy. Teeth naturally get darker with age. Their colour can be affected by the build up of surface stains caused by […]
  • Fun with Fluoride+
    Fluoride can be found in natural water sources, community water supplies, and in many dental products like toothpaste and mouthwash. Fluoride toothpaste helps to strengthen your teeth while brushing removes the plaque, the bacteria that can cause gum disease and […]
  • What are the fuzzy sweaters on my teeth?+
    Plaque is what makes your teeth feel fuzzy if they have not been brushed in a while. What is plaque? How does it harm your teeth? Plaque is a sticky film that is always forming on your teeth. Plaque has […]

Get Involved

Contact our: Healthy Smiles Coordinator Michelle Clarke (709) 960-0342

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